Thursday, August 29, 2013

In a Deep Pit

[A.B. Simpson tells of a testimony he heard from a Chinaman]:

"I was down in a deep pit, half sunk in the mire and was crying for someone to help me out."

[The man tells how Confucius and Buddha could not help him, but Jesus could.]

"I cried out to Him: 'Oh, Father, can you help me?' 'My child,' he said, 'what is the matter?' Before I could answer Him, He was down in the mire by my side; He folded his arms about me and lifted me up, and then He fed and rested me. When I was well, He did not say, 'Now, don't do that again,' but He said, 'We will walk on together now'; and we have been walking together until this day."

That's what Jesus Christ will do for you, beloved! He comes down to you where you are. He becomes your trust within you, and then you go on together until the resurrection light and glory of the coming age bursts in upon you. May God help us all to receive Him thus fully for his own name's sake! Amen.

-- A.B. Simpson, The Four-fold Gospel

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