Sunday, March 27, 2011

Housecleaning for Jesus

You say, "There are many things in my house that would have to be thrown out the window if Jesus came to my home." Would to God we could understand it for He is in the house all the time. All the things ought to go out the window that couldn't stand His eyes on them. Every impression of our hearts that brought trouble when He looked at us ought to go forever. --Smith Wigglesworth

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Our Confidence

We have no confidence in the flesh. Our confidence can only be stayed and relied in the One who never fails, in the One who knows the end from the beginning, in the One who is able to come in at the midnight hour as easy as in the noonday, and make the night and the day alike to the man who rests completely in the will of God, knowing that "all things work together for good to them that love Him," and trust in Him. And such trust have we in Him.

--Smith Wigglesworth, 1922

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Big Jesus

He is a big Jesus! If I could measure Him I would be very small. But I cannot measure Him, and I know He is very large. I am glad I cannot measure Jesus but I am glad I can touch Him all the same.

-- Smith Wigglesworth, 1922

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nothing Else is Worthwhile

God is a real essence of joy to us in a time when it seems barrenness, when it seems nothing can help us but the light from heaven, far above the brightness of the sun. Then that touches you, then that changes you, and you realize nothing is worthwhile but that.

-- Smith Wigglesworth, 1922