Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Simple Principle of Faith

Christ is the root and source of our faith. When He is in what we believe for, it will come to pass. No wavering. This is the principle: He who believes is definite. A definite faith brings a definite experience and a definite utterance. As our prayers rest upon the simple principle of faith, nothing shall be impossible to us.
--Smith Wigglesworth

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Nothing Out of the Ordinary

I have read the 1000-page complete works of John G. Lake, the greatest healing evangelist of all time. One of my all-time favorite quotations is from his diary entry on Dec. 7, 1910:

"At the tabernacle service Thursday night, it was a very sweet service with nothing out of the ordinary. Mrs. Arlow of Whurter, instantly healed of violent internal inflammation."

An instantaneous healing was considered "nothing out of the ordinary." God, give us such faith and such a manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our midst that we will be able to call a miraculous healing "noting out of the ordinary."

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Living in the Upper Realm

If you are a child, then you are an heir of God -- a joint heir with Christ -- you have a Right to the use of the Name of Jesus, and if you have this Right, it is because of your place in the family.
I believe the hour will come when large companies of believers will live this simple life of Faith; live it unconsciously, live it daily -- they will live in this upper realm where they will see in the Name of Jesus the fullness of the authority and power that was in Christ when He walked on the earth.
-- E. W. Kenyon, The Wonderful Name of Jesus