Thursday, May 31, 2012

Baptism of the Holy Spirit

There is no truth that needs to be more emphasized in this age of smartness and human self-sufficiency than the imperative necessity of the baptism of the Holy Spirit as the condition of all effective Christian work.

No man is fitted for the humblest service in the church of God until he receives the divine baptism of the Holy Spirit. The mother needs it in the nursery, the Sunday school teacher in his class, the preacher in his pulpit, the soul winner in his dealings with the inquirer and the saint in his ministry of prayer in the secret closet.

-- A. B. Simpson

I will be on vacation and will not be posting again until the middle of next week.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Supernatural Gifts Are For Today

Were these [supernatural gifts] meant merely to be transitory and special and temporary signs in connection with the introduction of Christianity into the world? Or were they part of the permanent enduement of the church? Does not the apostle tell us that these gifts and ministries were bestowed 'till we all come into the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ'? Certainly the church has not yet reached that maturity and if these gifts were needed then they are needed still.

-- A.B. Simpson

Thursday, May 24, 2012

PENTECOST May 27, 2012

This Sunday is PENTECOST, celebrating the coming of the Holy Spirit to be among us and within us.

When the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost, why did the believers break out into ecstatic language? Simply, it was because they were rightly worshiping God for the first time. Intensive worship unexpectedly leaped out of their hearts. It was nothing planned or perpetuated by some 'worship leader.' God was in their midst. Whenever there is a move of the Holy Spirit, it is always a call for God's people to be worshipers of the Most High God above everything else.

-- A. W. Tozer

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Word of God

All our hope is in the Word of the living God. The Word of God abideth forever. Oh, the glorious truths found therein. Never compare this Book with other books. This is from heaven; it does not contain the Word of God, it is the Word of God. Supernatural in origin, eternal in duration, value, infinite in scope, divine in authorship. Read it through, pray it in, write it down. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

-- Smith Wigglesworth

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

All Is Well

It does not matter where you are if God is with you. He that is for you is a million times more than all who can be against you. Oh, if we could by the grace of God see that the beatitudes of God's divine power come to us with such sweetness, whispering to us, "Be still, My child. All is well."

-- Smith Wigglesworth

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ask and Believe

Only be still and see the salvation of the Lord. Oh, what would happen if we learned the secret to only ask once and believe? What an advantage it would be if we could only come to a place where we know that everything is within reach of us. God wants us to see that every obstacle can be moved away. God brings us into a place where the difficulties are, where the pressure is, where the hard corner is, where everything is so difficult that you know there are no possibilities on the human side -- God must do it. All these places are of God's ordering. God allows trials, difficulties, temptations and perplexities to come right along our path, but there is not a temptation or trial which can come to man but God has a way out. You have not the way out; it is God who can bring you through.

-- Smith Wigglesworth