Thursday, June 30, 2011

Open Wide

Alas! we will not take the receptive attitude of faith. Jesus bids us “ask and receive” that our “joy may be full.” We obey His command in asking, but we do not throw open our souls that we may receive. God’s word to us is, “Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it” (Psa. 81:10), yet we do not pause in our cries of hunger to accept what is so freely offered.

--Carrie Judd Montgomery, 1881

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Red-headed Boy

In our Sunday school we had a boy with red hair. His head was as red as fire and so was his temper. He was such a trial. He kicked his teachers and the superintendent. He was imply uncontrollable. The teachers had a meeting in which they discussed the matter of expelling him. They thought that God might undertake for that boy and so they decided to give him another chance. One day he had to be turned out, and he broke all the windows of the mission. He was worse outside than in. Sometime later we had a ten-day revival meeting. There was nothing much doing in that meeting and people though it a waste of time, but there was one result -- the red-headed lad got saved. After he was saved, the difficulty was to get rid of him at our house. He would be there until midnight crying to God to make him pliable and use him for His glory. God delivered the lad from his temper and made him one of the meekest, most beautiful boys you ever saw. For twenty years he has been a mighty missionary in China. God takes us just as we are and transforms us by His power.

-- Smith Wigglesworth

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Get Filled with God

Sometimes I say to people, "You weren't at meeting the other night." They reply, "Oh, yes, I was there in spirit." I say to them, "Well, come next time with your body also. We don't want a lot of spirits here and no bodies. We want you to come and get filled with God." When all the people will come and pray and praise as did these early disciples there will be something doing. People who come will catch fire and they will want to come again. But they will have no use for a place where everything has become formal, dry, and dead.

The power of Pentecost as it came at first came to loose men. God wants us free on every line. Men and women are tired of imitations; they want reality; they want to see people who have the living Christ within, and are filled with Holy Ghost power.

-- Smith Wigglesworth

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Name of Jesus

The name of Jesus is so marvelous. Peter and John had no conception of all that was in that name; neither had the man, lame from his mother' womb who was laid daily at the gate; but they had faith to say, "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." And as Peter took him by the right hand, and lifted him up, immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength, and he went into the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God. God wants you to see more of this sort of thing done. How can it be done? Through His name, through faith in His name, through faith which is by Him.

-- Smith Wigglesworth