Sunday, August 30, 2009

Expect Sickness???

I'm not interested in writing blogs. I'd rather share power-packed quotes from authors who say things better than I can. But when I read the headlines in Saturday's Norwalk Reflector, I knew that I had to write about this. Did anyone else notice this headline and react to it? "EXPECT SICKNESS" It was referring to warnings from government agencies about the upcoming flu season.

The devil wants us to expect sickness. He wants us to think that he is all-powerful and that there is nothing that we can do to avoid the nasty things that he has created to mess with God's perfect creation. The devil knows that if we let down our guard by believing these lies and giving in to fear spread by ungodly people, that he will be able to attack us easily.

I received an email two winters ago from a relative. He said that by February he will have a bad cold, and by March he will have the flu. "It happens every year." Then he predicted how many times his wife will have been sick by the end of March. That's just the place where the devil wants us to be . . . the place where we literally invite him to come in and destroy our health, our lives, and our peace of mind. We actually believe that his power to create sickness is something that we cannot avoid. We won't admit it, but we sometimes believe in a "great big devil" and a "little tiny God".

If you've been reading my quotations for very long, you should know that God has given us the authority to be as Christ on the earth, to heal the sick (Mark 16:17) and to take authority to "speak to the mountain" and command sickness away from ourselves and our loved ones.

I advocate getting flu shots because few of us have perfect faith. But I am convinced that most of us could have better health if we would verbally bind Satan from attacking us and refusing disease at the first symptom . . . or even before the first symptom appears.

As we go into fall and winter, into the so-called "flu season", and as our kids are back in school and in contact with communicable diseases, refuse to believe that you/they will contract everything that comes along. "EXPECT HEALTH".

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Beloved, we have seen that the Holy Ghost came into the Church at Pentecost and that those gifts are there also, but through lack of faith we do not see them exercised.
-- John G. Lake, 1910

Friday, August 7, 2009

Christ in You

Suppose I could get inside of Mrs. Lake. Can you imagine such a thing? She would be 190 pounds heavier than she is now. She would have a voice like a pirate, and all the other characteristics of me. She would be me. Do you see it?

Oh, listen. There is a divine secret in Christ's salvation. It is Christ in fact in you by the Holy Ghost, dwelling in you, speaking in you, living in you, blazing in you, flashing from you.
-- John G. Lake

Sunday, August 2, 2009

"The far greater power of praise"

from Come Away My Beloved, by Frances J. Roberts, a book of devotionals written as messages from Lord:

Man has contemplated the power of faith and of prayer, but only rarely have I revealed to men this far greater power of praise. For by prayer and faith doors are opened, but by praise and worship, great dynamos of power are set in motion, as when a switch is thrown and an electric power plant such as Niagara is thrown into operation. Praying for specifics is like requesting light for individual houses in various scattered places, while worshipping and praise flood the whole area with available current.

I do not discount prayer (petitions). I only show you a more marvelous way -- a faster means of bringing more help to more people with less elapse of time. So many need Me. So little time is available. Turn loose thy praises, and in proportion to thy liberality, ye shall see My generosity expressed, and in infinite magnitude.